7. Power English

Business Trip to Las Vegas

하 대표 2024. 10. 5. 12:31

Business Trip to Las Vegas 

라스베이거스 출장
This Is Such Short Notice!
이건 너무 촉박한 통보예요!


Power Dialogue
Rachel : Peter, I hate to spring this on you, but I
need you to go to Las Vegas next weekend for the tech show.
레이첼: 피터, 이렇게 불쑥 말하고 싶지는 않지만, 다음 주말 기술 박람회 때문에 라스베이거스로 가셔야겠어요.
* spring something on someone : ~을...에게 불쑥 하다

Peter : I'm not sure it's possible on short notice.
피터 : 촉박한 통보라서 가능할지 모르겠네요.
* on short notice : 촉박한 통보로


Rachel: As you know, Ron was taking Mike to assist him because he knows the technology so well.
레이첼: 알다시피, 론이 마이크를 데리고 다니며 자기를 돕게 했죠. 그가 그 기술을 아주 잘 알고 있어서요. 

* As you know,... : 너도 알다시피, ~


Peter: I know. We spent months designing the presentation.
피터: 알아요. 우린 프레젠테이션을 계획하며 몇 달을 보 냈잖아요.


Rachel: Mike broke his arm last weekend and you're the only one who knows the tech as well as him.
레이첼: 마이크가 지난 주말에 팔이 부러졌는데 당신이 그 기술을 그만큼 잘 아는 유일한 사람이에요.
* tech : 과학 기술


Peter: So, you need me to be Ron's right-hand man?
피터:그러니까 제가 론의 오른팔이 돼야 한다는 거죠? *right-hand man/woman: 오른팔, 심복