7. Power English

24.10.05 Sleep Eating Is Worse Than It Sounds

하 대표 2024. 10. 5. 15:00

Sleep Eating Is Worse Than It Sounds
생각보다 심각한 수면 중 섭취

With Obesity being a major health issue in many parts of the world, a new source of unwanted weight gain is attracting attention : sleep eating.
비만이 세계 여러 지역에서 주요 건강 문제가 되면서, 원치 않는 체중 증가의 새로운 원인인 수면 중 섭취가 주목을 받고 있

People who sleep eat are unaware of what they have done until the morning.
수면 중에 먹는 사람들은 아침까지 그들이 무엇을 했는지 알지 못합니다.

They may get up several times a night to eat, which leaves them tired.
그들은 밤에 여러 번 일어나 먹을지도 모르고, 그로 인해 피곤해집니다.
* ... , which leaves ~ : ... 그로 인해 ~하게 된다


During the day, they can show restraint and not eat as much food, but at night it's a diffeerent story.
낮 동안에는 자제력을 보여 음식을 많이 먹지 않을 수 있지만, 밤에는 이야기가 달라집니다.
* show restraint : 자제하다, 삼가다
* a different story : 다른 이야기, 딴판

This unconscious nighttime behavior takes a toll on the health of the sleep eater and has many bad side
effects beside weight gain, like sleep apnea and restless leg syndrome.
이러한 무의식적인 야간 행동은 수면 중에 먹는 사람의 건강에 타격을 주고, 체중 증가 외에도 수면 무호흡증 및 하지 불안
증후군과 같은 나쁜 부작용이 많습니다.
* unconscious : 무의식적인
* take a toll on something : ... 에게 타격을 입히다